Terrebonne Clerk



Birth Certificates and Birth Cards

Birth Cards

(can only be purchased as a package with birth certificate)
Cash only (no checks or credit cards)

Birth certificates (certified copy)

Cash only (no checks or credit cards)
Does not include birth card.

(Revised 03-01-2021)






Adoption by DCFS


Affidavit of Service


Answer or Amended Answer in any existing suit


Answer with Cross Claim (with 1 service)

Answer and request for notice with Jury Order

$175 ($75 for ea. add. service)


Answer with Reconventional Demand (with 1 service)


Answer with Third Party Demand (with 1 service)


Apostille (Adoption)


Apostille (All other types)


ASAP (pleading processed out of order/rushed)


Certificate of Divorce


Certificate of No Opposition


Certified copy

$5 plus $1 per page

Civil Record Search with Notice of Certification


Community Property Partition (not recorded)


Community Property Partition (recorded)

call for fees

Conformed copy


Consent Judgment


Copy (per page)


Cross Claim w/one service


Electronic Filing other than evidence (CD’s; flash drives, etc.)

$5 (plus $1 per page for each document contained therein)



Estimate of appeal costs


Ex Parte Motion (any type) includes one service


Exception (without service)

Exception (with 1 service)



Executory Process (Foreclosure-new suit)


Exhibits larger than 8.5 x 14 (LA RS 13:841)

$5 (per page or exhibit)

Exhibits (documents) per page up to 8.5 x 14 (LA RS 13:841)


Exhibits (electronic) flash drives; cd’s, etc. (LA RS 13:841)

$5 (plus $2 per page for each document contained therein)

Exhibits (objects)


Expedited pleading (walked immediately up to judge for signature)


Fax Filing Fee (to receive)

$5 (plus $1 per page)

Faxed copy (sent)

$5 (plus $1 per page)

Faxed copy receipt (faxed)

Garnishment with Judgment (no service)

Garnishment with judgment (with 1 service)




Implementation Plan


Interdiction (new suit)


Interim Consent Judgment


Judgment (not recorded w/n thru Sheriff’s office)


Judgment with Injunctions


Judgments (not recorded; with one service through mail)

$175  ($15 for each add. serv.)

Judgments (recorded) Includes default judgments


Judicial Commitment (new suit)


Jury Bond

Jury Filing Fee

$8,000  (check or money order)

$150.00 (R.S.13:3049(2)(a)

Mailing (postage and envelope/container)

actual cost





Mennonite notice


Motion for Appeal (includes statement of estimated costs) RS 13:841 (A)(4)(b)


Motion for Child Support (Hearing Officer)


Motion for Child Support (with one service)


Motion for Contempt (no Rule/no service)


Motion for Contempt (Rule with one service)


Motion for Expedited Hearing (Rule) (with one service)


Motion for Extension of Time


Motion for Judgment Debtor Rule (includes 2 services)


Motion for New Trial (with Rule/with one service)


Motion for Preliminary Default


Motion for Spousal Support (with 1 service)


Motion for Summary Judgment (no service)


Motion for Summary Judgment (with one service)


Motion to Appoint Curator


Motion to Appoint Process Server


Motion to Compel (Rule) with one service

Motion to Compel (Rule) with no service



Motion to Consolidate


Motion to Continue w/o service


Motion to Dismiss (parties)

call for costs

Motion to Dismiss (Rules, Motions, etc.)


Motion to Enroll


Motion to Increase/Decrease (Rule) (with 1 service)


Motion to Modify Custody (Rule) (with 1 service)


Motion to Set Limitations (with 1 service)


Motion to Set Trial on Merits (jury/bench) (with 1 service)

$175 ($75 for ea. add. service)

Motion to Strike


Motion to Substitute Counsel


Motion to Suppress


Motion to Transfer


Motion to Vacate Judgment


Motion to Withdraw


Notice of Costs Due (issued when costs are owed) (R.S. 13:841 (A) (4) (b)


Notice of Deposition


Notice of Les Pendes


Notice of Publication


NSF Charge


Opposition to Summary Judgment -no service


Petition for Child Support


Petition for Custody


Petition for Damages


Petition for Discovery


Petition for Divorce (Open & Shut) w/accept of serv; no rules-same day


Petition for Divorce (w/Rule and one service)


Petition for Divorce (w/Rule and TRO or Restraining Order)


Petition for Divorce (with one service and no rules)


Petition for Divorce with Discovery & Interrog.


Petition for Garnishment (as new suit)


Petition for Garnishment (in open cases)


Petition for Injunction and/or Temporary Restraining Order


Petition for Intervention (with one service)


Petition for Letters Rogatory


Petition for Name Change


Petition for Note


Petition for Partition


Petition for Revival of Judgment


Petition for Sequestration


Petition on Account


Petition to Make Judgment Executory (w/o garnishment)


Petition to Make Judgment Executory (with garnishment)


Petition to Modify w/ Rule (with 1 service)


Pretrial Statement




Reconventional Demand (with one service)


Request for Admissions


Request for Admissions, Production and Interrogatories (as one pleading)


Request for Interrogatories


Request for Jury Trial


Request for Production


Rule to Show Cause


Service (each)


Service through Secretary of State





$75 (call for out of town)

Subpoena Duces Tecum

varies by parish (call for costs)

Succession (Large)


Succession (Small-less than $125,000) LA CCP Art. 3422


Supplemental Petition (with one service)


Sworn Detailed Descriptive List


Third Party Demand (with 1 service)


Tutorship (Large-Over $50,000)


Tutorship (Small-Under $50,000) LA CCP Art. 4461


Tutorship (no amount stated in the petition)


Waiver of Service or Citation


Witness List


Writ of FIFA


Writ of FIFA with Garnishment


Writ of Habeus Corpus


Writ of Possession


Writ of Seizure




Civil (Other Fees)

Conveyance / Copy

Criminal Processing (LA R.S. 13:847)


Criminal Records (LA R.S. 13:847)


The fees for copies from the Map Department varies depending on the size of the map/document.  Please call the Map dept. for more information.

Marriage License

Minute Clerks


Recording Fees

In accordance with Act 173 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session, changes to recording fees will become effective on August 1, 2017.